Pro PHP Security

Pro PHP Security
Цена: 53.09 руб. (+ доставка)
Производитель: Apress
Модель: 1590595084

Pro PHP Security is one of the first books devoted solely to PHP security. It will serve as your complete guide for taking defensive and proactive security measures within your PHP applications. (And the methods discussed are compatible with PHP versions 3, 4, and 5.)

The knowledge you'll gain from this comprehensive guide will help you prevent attackers from potentially disrupting site operation or destroying data. And you'll learn about various security measures, for example, creating and deploying "captchas," validating e-mail, fending off SQL injection attacks, and preventing cross-site scripting attempts.

Author Information

Chris Snyder

Chris Snyder is a software engineer at Fund for the City of New York, where he helps develop next-generation websites and services for nonprofit organizations. He is a member of the Executive Board of New York PHP, and has been looking for new ways to build scriptable, linked, multimedia content since he saw his first Hypercard stack in 1988.

Michael Southwell

Michael Southwell is a retired English professor who has been developing websites for more than 10 years in the small business, nonprofit, and educational areas, with special interest in problems of accessibility. He has authored and co-authored 8 books and numerous articles about writing, writing and computers, and writing education. He is a member of the Executive Board of New York PHP, and a Zend Certified Engineer.

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